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A Global Exchange Odyssey: Studying and Exploring with RMIT Vietnam

Studying abroad is often described as a life-changing experience, and my global exchange program with RMIT Vietnam was no exception. This journey not only allowed me to delve into fascinating subjects but also introduced me to the dynamic city of Ho Chi Minh and enabled me to explore breathtaking destinations across Vietnam.

In this blog, I’ll take you through my academic pursuits, my first impressions of the university, the city and its people as well as the incredible adventures I embarked on.

My time in Vietnam was not merely an academic journey; it was a cultural immersion that left an indelible mark on me. The renowned Vietnamese hospitality was evident in every interaction with the locals. Whether savoring delicious street food in bustling markets or seeking directions from friendly locals, I was consistently met with warmth and kindness. Learning about Vietnam’s rich cultural heritage through its people became a major highlight of my experience.

Ho Chi Minh City, often referred to as Saigon by locals, was my home for a few months. The city’s energetic vibe and deep historical roots never failed to captivate me. My initial impressions were a sensory overload – from the bustling and chaotic traffic to the tantalizing aromas wafting from street food stalls, and the juxtaposition of tradition and modernity in every corner. Exploring
iconic landmarks such as the War Remnants Museum and the Cu Chi Tunnels provided me with eye-opening insights into the city’s history.

Immersing myself in the local culture was an integral part of my exchange program. From participating in traditional Vietnamese ceremonies to mastering the art of Vietnamese coffee brewing, each experience deepened my connection to this beautiful country.

Now let’s dive into the academic part of the exchange

During my time at RMIT Vietnam, I embarked on an exciting academic journey by exploring elective subjects that delved into the intriguing fields of supply chain and logistics, as well as financial technologies. These subjects marked a departure from my usual business and IT-focused courses at UTS, providing me with a unique opportunity for academic growth and offering a fresh perspective on my educational path.

As I set foot on RMIT Vietnam’s campus for the first time, I was immediately immersed in modernity and innovation. The state-of-the-art facilities left a lasting impression, reinforcing the university’s commitment to delivering a world-class education. The welcoming international atmosphere enveloping the campus made me feel at home from day one, setting the stage for an inspiring learning environment.

One remarkable aspect of my exchange program was the striking similarity in teaching styles between RMIT Vietnam and UTS. This congruence facilitated a seamless transition, allowing me to engage with my studies more effectively. RMIT Vietnam’s approach to learning, centered on blended learning, combined face-to-face tutorial sessions for interactive discussions and problem-solving with online lecture reviews that encouraged deeper exploration of weekly topics. This approach ensured a comprehensive learning experience.

Furthermore, one of the most enriching aspects of my exchange program was the opportunity to interact with students from diverse backgrounds. RMIT Vietnam prides itself on fostering a multicultural environment, and it was a fascinating experience to collaborate with classmates from various countries. Beyond academic collaborations, our interactions extended to the RMIT Buddy’s team, who went above and beyond to organize events, assist with rental arrangements, communicate with locals to book tours, and facilitate non-university-related activities such as beach trips, night outs, and transportation. These interactions not only broadened my horizons but also nurtured a sense of global perspective and camaraderie among international students.

Beyond the classroom, my global exchange program allowed me to explore various cities and regions throughout Vietnam, each with its unique charm and beauty.

South Vietnam:

  • Vung Tau: Known for its picturesque beaches and vibrant seafood markets.
  • Phu Quoc: An island paradise in the Gulf of Thailand.
  • Ho Chi Minh City: The bustling metropolis that served as my home base, rich in history and

North Vietnam:

  • Halong Bay: Famous for its breathtaking limestone karst landscapes.
  • Ha Giang: A remote and stunning region offering some of Vietnam’s most dramatic scenery which is best experienced by a motorbike.
  • Ninh Binh: Known for its natural beauty and historical sites as well as the peacefulness that you experience being there.
  • Sapa: A trekker’s paradise with awe-inspiring mountain scenery, picturesque rice terraces and one of the few places where the ethnic groups of Vietnam is present
  • Hanoi: The capital city, blending history and modernity seamlessly.

Central Vietnam:

  • Hue: An ancient city with a rich imperial history.
  • Hoi An: A charming and historic town famous for its lantern-lit streets.
  • Da Nang: A coastal city known for its beautiful beaches and vibrant nightlife.
  • Dalat: The “City of Eternal Spring” with a mild climate and scenic beauty.
  • Nha Trang:A coastal gem with pristine beaches and a lively atmosphere.

So to conclude ı would like to say is that my global exchange journey with RMIT Vietnam was a remarkable blend of academic growth and unforgettable adventures. From exploring new subjects to immersing myself in a vibrant city and traveling to breathtaking destinations across Vietnam, this experience transformed me both academically and personally. It’s a journey that I’ll
cherish for a lifetime, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to have embarked on this incredible adventure.

Pillay Shanendra
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

For more information about the UTS Global Exchange program please visit:

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