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Indulging in exquisite pastries while checking off Paris landmarks

Arrival to Paris

The program kicked off with my early arrival in Paris a week before the scheduled start. This gave me a chance to meetup with a university friend and together, we immersed ourselves in the Parisian lifestyle. Our hotel was in a charming neighborhood not far from the city center, and conveniently close to the university and the Parisian Business District. This pre-program week was a mix of city exploration and anticipation for the intensive fortnight ahead.

The Program

Our first official day began with a warm welcome at the university. It was a whirlwind of introductions – to the faculty, the staff, and the program itself. The aroma of fresh croissants and assorted French pastries greeted us, courtesy of the ESILV staff, who also treated us to a delightful lunch. Our daily routine for the next two weeks typically started around 9-10 am, filled with project work, student collaborations, and of course, indulging in some exquisite pastries. I often used my lunch breaks to explore the vicinity, trying out various local cafes and savoring the culinary delights the neighborhood offered. My post-university hours varied ā€“ sometimes shopping, other times exploring the city’s neighborhoods, and often enjoying dinner with friends

Activities and City Exploration

Without a doubt, city exploration was a highlight of my trip. Within those three weeks, I felt I’d changed into a Parisian. The city’s transport system became second nature to me, I picked up snippets of the language, and gradually understood the nuances of city life. Iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, The Pantheon, and The Louvre were checked off my list, and I discovered plenty of amazing restaurants and bars. A special mention goes to the French students managing the international student association. Their hospitality was unmatched, from picnics by the Eiffel Tower to city tours and lunches. Their company truly enhanced my Parisian experience, making it both fascinating and memorable.

Gabriel Bogomolets
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
Ecole SupĆ©rieure d’IngĆ©nieurs LĆ©onard de Vinci (ESILV) – Summer School
Global Short Programs Travel Scholarship recipient

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